Copying Services
Products and Services
Copy Services provides a full service copy and print center available to all students, faculty, staff and auxiliary service providers serving the Baylor University community. In addition, Copy Services provides maintenance and consumable supplies (toner and staples) for all departmental, facility and student use copiers.
Technical Support Services
Copiers - If you experience any hardware support issues while operating your copier please contact the HELP Desk at 710-HELP (4357) to report your issue. Please be able to provide the HELP Desk with the equipment's ID and a brief description of the assistance needed. If you need assistance with operational instructions please call 710-3919.
Fax Equipment - If you experience any hardware support issues while operating your fax machine please contact the HELP Desk at 710- HELP (4357) to report your issue. Please be able to provide the HELP Desk with a brief description of the assistance needed along with an exact location of the machine.
In most cases, a Copy Services' Technician will acknowledge your need for assistance within 2-business hours to address your equipment needs.
Baylor is currently contracting with Ricoh for all Copy Services.
Alfred Rodriguez
Copying Services Manager
Morrison Hall, Suite 121
One Bear Place #97091
Waco, TX 76798-9091
Office 254.710.2110
Fax 254.710.1871